Strata [A-] [A+] Matter Excavating the centrality of materiality for a post-human ‘anthropomediality’: an ecological approachPosthuman aesthetics: perception and relationality, mapping the field through the lens of critical posthumanismEstetica posthuman: Percezione e relazionalità, mappare il campo tramite la lente del post-umanesimo critico Digital Cultures Networked Media Actions as Hacktions: Rethinking Resistance(s) in Media EcologiesFor an Archaeology of Swarming Machines. Genealogy and the Politics of Media Dissent Beyond Representational MetaphorsNotes for an Ecological Archaeology of Imaginary Media HackingLeak Early, Leak (More Than) Often: Outlining the Affective Politics ofData Leaks in Network EcologiesTowards a Nonlinear, Material History of Digital SwarmsFor a rhizomatics of contemporary subjective production: Short homage to the pathological and obsessive compositions of Dr. NathanHeretical Facial Machines, or the Polyvalence of Faciality in the Politics of Digital Dissent of Anonymous Surveillance Studies Dining Out with COVID-19: (Biopolitical) Control and Lock-down Aesthetics, or Why Media Studies Neglect to Face the Crisis of Representation Plant Studies Fito-relazioni: Primi Boccioli di una Paleoantropologia Post-umana(in)Sensibili alle foglie. Sull’importanza e sul ruolo delle piante nell’antropogenesi Zooantropology Grizzly-Man, Divenire-orso: Natura Violenta e Aggressività Animalista nel Docufilm di Werner HerzogLe Pantere di Dioniso Ferocia e Follia nel Menadismo GrecoCure Criminali. Forme di parassitismo mafioso tra latitanza, potere e zoomafia. Perceptual Compounds Il Sillogismo di GaudelNon sono adatt* alle relazioni